Join YPK - Become a Member — Young Professionals of Knoxville | Connect. Develop. Serve.

Young Professionals of Knoxville is a group of young men and women taking an active interest in the development of the Knoxville community. The mission is simple: To inspire Knoxville’s young professionals to connect, develop and serve to build leaders and improve our community. The young people of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Join YPK in the pursuit of a better place to live, work and play!

How Membership Works

You can apply for membership throughout the year and membership is good for one year based on the date that you apply. New members are approved each month by the YPK Board.

Who’s Eligible

YPK invites young professionals (ages 21 and up) who live, work, or play in Knoxville to become a member.

Membership Dues

Annual dues for YPK are $200 for new members, and $100 for renewing members. We encourage you to chat with your employer and see if they would be willing to invest in your professional growth with YPK.

Membership Benefits

Exclusive Professional Development Events: Past event examples include facility tours and speakers from Pilot Flying J, Discovery Inc., and Bush Brothers and Company. Past speakers include Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs, University of Tennessee President Randy Boyd, Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority Vice President of Public Relations Becky Huckaby, and more ($250 estimated value).

Social Events: As a YPK member, nearly every event is free, including happy hours and the annual holiday party ($150 estimated value).

Signature Events: Join Young Professionals of Knoxville in celebrating the contributions of area businesses and professionals to our community at the Impact Awards Gala and kick-back and relax at the summer soiree – all free for YPK members ($150 estimated value).

Marketing for your company: Members and their companies can include promotions for upcoming special events in the YPK newsletter, post for free to the YPK jobs board, and are listed in the YPK community directory ($300 estimated value). Reach out to for deadline and placement options of promotions.

Opportunity to participate in the YPK Leadership Certificate Program: A program designed by regional experts, young professionals learn leadership best-practice tools to lead others and impact our community ($500 estimated value).

Click through the list below to see additional benefits available with your YPK membership.

+ Additional YPK Membership Benefits

  • Community outreach opportunities
  • Quarterly members-only general membership meetings with area speakers
  • Members only Facebook group
  • Leadership opportunities through committee involvement and the opportunity for service on the YPK Board of Directors
  • Flash promotions from community partners

+ Community Partnerships

Membership with the Alliance for Better Nonprofits: As a member of YPK, you are a member of the Alliance for Better Nonprofits and have full access to valuable tools, free workshops, reduced costs for annual conferences, and more ($100 value).

+ Clinton School Online

Merit Scholarship of at least $5,000 for up to five admitted YPK members to the Clinton School Online. In 2004, President Clinton launched the Clinton School of Public Service, a non-partisan graduate program in the University of Arkansas system designed for people around the globe who are passionate about developing Public Service solutions in a world of need.

Among the programs offered at the Clinton School is the Clinton School Online (CSO) -- a 100% online Masters of Public Service degree, designed for mid-career professionals who desire to work full-time and live anywhere in the world while pursuing a Masters degree.

The CSO application has no application fee, and does not require the GRE exam -- the Clinton School wants graduate education to be accessible to all who seek to serve the public good.

In addition to merit scholarships, the Clinton School also offers up to $5,000 of employer-match funding for the CSO program (many employers offer continuing-education funds for their staff, and the CSO program will match up to $5,000 of funding that your employer commits to your CSO education).

Contact Alex Thomas, Director of Enrollment, with Clinton School Online-specific questions:, 501-683-5228. For YPK questions:

The links below can tell you more about this life-manageable online degree. A limited number of scholarships are available for dues-paid members only.