Young Professionals Need to be Lifelong Learners
The other day I came across some basic Algebra problems. I recognized the format from when I was in school. Some basic polynomials, simple enough. These used to be my favorite. I used to find them soothing, even. I liked the familiarity of the process, the way that it felt like a simple sort of puzzle. Polynomials were some of the basic building blocks for the more advanced maths that I'd take later in college, and their simplicity was comforting. Feeling mathematically nostalgic—a phrase I never thought I'd say—I decided to take a crack at it.
I expected it to be as easy as it was when I graduated high school a decade ago, but this was the *exact opposite* of the case. When I actually tried to solve the problem, I realized that I had no idea what I was looking at. I work in non-profits and as a writer, so you may be wondering why I would care if I can't solve polynomials anymore. What we keep forgetting, though, is that learning is about so much more than career acceleration and professional development. Studying math, for example, impacts the way you think and the way you approach problems. I experienced writer's block so much less frequently when I actively studied mathematics. Good ideas never felt trapped inside my mind, because math had taught me that there was a process that I could follow to take me to an answer. Nothing was out of reach, just follow the process.
At a recent YPK event, a friend pointed out that they followed my Goodreads and that nearly everything on my profile was work-related. She said this to commend me, thinking that it was so great that I was dedicated to learning more about my work. But for me, this was a wake-up call. I don't want to limit my identity to just my career. I want to remain a student of life, forever expanding my horizons, learning not just for the sake of career growth, but for the enrichment of my mind, my soul, and the way I approach every facet of life.
There is beauty in dynamism, and the only way that we can pull ourselves out of the trivial drudgery of daily monotony is by learning to let ourselves bask in the feeling of an intellectual challenge.
For young professionals, broadening our horizons should never be seen as optional. As community leaders dedicated to connecting, developing, and serving, it is our duty to commit to continually learning as much as we can so that we can fulfill our promises of improving the city we love. Beyond how learning is imperative for community development, though, it’s also essential to long term well being. Here’s why:
Prioritizing learning prevents burnout & releases us from narrow concepts of our identity
When we meet people, what’s the first thing that we’re usually asked, right after sharing our name? “What do you do?” We typically take this question to mean, “What is your full-time job?” which is fair enough, since that’s usually at the heart of the question. I absolutely love my job, but there is something exhausting about continuously constraining myself to fit into a narrow definition. Engaging in lifelong learning gives us permission to be defined by more than our labor. We learn to stop seeing ourselves as just “Bethany the Prevention Specialist,” and learn to define ourselves by all the little pieces that make us who we are. Implicitly teaching ourselves that we are our work drains the joy out of our jobs… and out of everything else, too.
Learning provides more opportunities to make friends
When you type “how do adults” into Google, you don’t even have to finish the sentence; Google knows you’re asking how adults make friends. We have our communities at work and in Young Professionals of Knoxville, but if we want to broaden our social circles, we must commit to seeking out more opportunities. Remember art class in middle school, where conversations flowed freely while we worked on our projects? Even if the rest of the school day didn’t make sense, socialization felt natural during those shared learning experiences. This phenomenon hasn’t disappeared as we’ve grown; it’s still alive. Don’t hesitate to step into new communities and learn alongside them, because that’s how you turn strangers into friends.
Learning and the acquisition of knowledge increases optimism
Living a well-rounded lifestyle shows us the possibilities in life. It's no surprise that optimism is important for both personal and societal well-being. Harvard Health Publishing suggests that looking for opportunities helps us maintain a more positive mindset. On a larger scale, accomplishing positive change is challenging when leaders—like young professionals—don’t believe it’s possible. Embracing learning opportunities opens up new possibilities and fuels our motivation to pursue change.
Learning enhances professional success
Do you ever feel like you’re just another face in the crowd in your field? Like every colleague has the same resume, degree, and skillset? This feeling is more common than you might think, but it’s also something you can change. By acquiring new skills and embracing different ways of thinking, you can take control of your professional advancement. Learning makes you quicker and more creative in solving problems, helps you grasp complexity and nuance, and boosts your confidence in generating solutions.
How do we do it? It's overwhelming to think about how much we do not know. Encourage yourself to let curiosity lead the way. Start small, and start with whatever is right in front of you.
Get out a pen and paper. I'm going to include a list of resources, some popular ones here in Knoxville and some online, and I want you to jot down everything that you'd like to try. You don't have to make any commitments yet, but just start exploring.
What do you think you would enjoy learning?
What local learning opportunities are your favorite? Share this blog post and let everyone know your favorite places to learn in Knoxville!
General Learning Opportunities in Knoxville
YPK Opportunities
Learning is a key value for many YPK members, which is why we work so hard to provide opportunities to nourish this need. Coming up, we have:
YPK 101: What better place to start your learning adventure than by learning about YPK itself? This crash course is a great chance to learn about all things YPK!
After Work with ETEC & YPK : A dual learning opportunity! The program itself will focus on professional growth and connection, and the venue is also an educational science museum that will be open for you to explore the wonders of science, energy, and Oak Ridge’s history!
Trivia Nights: Come and show off all of the cool things that you're learning by contributing your knowledge to the YPK trivia team!
Leadership Certificate: The annual YPK Leadership Certificate program is an innovative, intensive leadership course designed by local leaders for local leaders. If leadership is something you've ever wanted to learn more about, be sure to keep your eyes open for our 2025 applications!
Physical Fitness
Martial Arts
Music & Art
College Adult Learning
Serving with Knoxville Leadership Foundation
Mentoring through programs like Amachi Knoxville
Online Resources
Intentional commitment to diversified lifelong learning distinguishes professionals who merely strive for effectiveness from those who lead in shaping their communities into something more beautiful. Learning is not only fun; it is an integral part of who we are. Above all, it is how we discovered our callings in the first place. So, why should we stop prioritizing it now?
What will you choose to learn next?