Young Professionals of Knoxville | Connect. Develop. Serve.

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YPK Seeking New Members! A Message from the President.

YPK President Rachel Dellinger

The Young Professionals of Knoxville (YPK) exists to connect, develop and serve to build leaders and serve our community. There is a board made up of 17 volunteers, including myself, and a number of committees with which members are encouraged to get involved. (If you just said, "Huh?" email to learn more!) 

But what does that mean? YPK is a member-driven organization, so we need you! The 3 types of events we typically have in addition to quarterly General Membership Meetings: Social, Professional Development, and Community Outreach. There is no attendance requirement, so you can come to some or all events as your schedule allows.

Each spring, we open up membership and recruit those who live, work and play in Knoxville who want to plug into the community even further. We have even opened up a second membership drive in the fall due to demand. Right now is a great time to join! Apply by April 15th to join the Spring YPK class!

It is one of the goals of the YPK board to not only attract new members, but retain existing ones. If you're not sure if you're a current member, great news! It's time for all members to renew their membership. Click here to renew your annual dues of $100 by May 31.

3 Things to Know about Joining YPK:

  1. Get your employer to sponsor you. Your employer might be willing to pay your YPK dues - it doesn't hurt to ask! Connecting with community is important in retaining YPs in Knoxville and many businesses value that and will cover your dues.
  2. You get out what you put in. Once you apply and pay dues, there is no attendance requirement, policy or consequence for not attending events. Come to what interests you, and maybe try something new. You never know who you'll meet. But you've got to show up (and maybe bring a friend!) Check out some of our upcoming events.
  3. YPK will contribute to your level of awesomeness. (Just look at me!) For the past five years, my involvement with YPK has significantly impacted my life in the best way possible. I have made lifelong friends, rolled up my sleeves volunteering with local organizations, learned valuable leadership and business skills, and made business/networking connections I never would have made otherwise.

If you have been involved with YPK in the past or are brand new to us, I encourage you to engage! Stop by a monthly happy hour after work, come volunteer with us on a Saturday morning community outreach project. See what we're all about, and if you have questions or suggestions for us, please don't hesitate to reach out! See you soon!

